
Persian Silver Travertine | Economical Price, Awesome Appearance!

One of the most used travertine colors for walls and floors is grey. Our Persian Silver Travertine will look beautiful in your bathroom, kitchen, interior, and outside walls. Their superior veins and silvery tone will give your living areas the most exquisite appearance. The surfaces of Persian Silver Travertine tiles can be polished, honed, or brushed. Our Persian Silver Travertine tiles are also excellent for kitchen tops, counters, staircases, sinks, and so on. Any port can get these grey travertine from us. If you're looking for premium travertine, don't hesitate to contact Raja Stone Group to give you the best Persian travertine price.

Persian Silver Travertine
Takab Silverado Travertine | Slab and Tile
Takab Silver Travertine | Slab and Tile
Azarshahr Silver Travertine | Slab and Tile

Persian Silver Travertine Untold Characteristics

But why Persian Travertine? Persian silver travertine, with its unique beauty is one of the popular stones in the decoration of different spaces. This stone is naturally gray in color and has gray streaks inside silver halos. Iran's silver travertine stone is a beautiful panel in itself, which doubles its beauty after its implementation in the relevant environment. 
The lower the veins in Persian silver travertine stone, the higher the asking price. The quality of processing of it is also dependent on the way it is extracted and produced. When different devices with advanced facilities to produce these stones, the requested cost will be higher. The uniformity of the stone is one of the factors that is always the buyer's attention. The more uniform the stone is and the less impurities it contains, the higher the quality, the higher the price will be.

Persian Silver Travertine Qualities

Persian travertine is one of the charming building stones that is widely used by architects and builders.  Silver travertine is one of those that is prominent among Iranian travertines with its silver to black background. If you want to make the hallway of your home look luxurious, the best option is to use Persian silver travertine. This type of travertine has unique and special features, making this stone look very beautiful for modern and classic design tastes. Silver travertine is a stone that can bring rustic charm to your hallway with a sophisticated look. The use of this stone for the interior and exterior of the building is to pave the area.

Persian silver travertine qualities

✓ Excellent flexibility
✓ High abrasion resistance
✓ Little water absorption
✓ Awesome wear resistance
✓ High compressive strength
✓ Lack of absorption and permeability of water and moisture
✓ Super polished surface
✓ Excellent flexibility

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Persian Silver Travertine | Price & Factors Affecting It!

Iranian silver travertine stone has brownish theme, which its different qualities are a little brighter and silver lines and sometimes brown lines. Persian silver stone has excellent polishing ability and absorbs little water. The large dimensions of this stone are in the form of tiles and slabs. Recently, in the production process of this stone, gray resin is used to make the color of the stone uniform. Iran's silver stone is widely used because of its good quality, high strength, and uniformity compared to other travertines.

Iran Silver Travertine cost
Iran Silver Travertine price
Persian Silver Travertine cost

Factors Determining the Price for Persian Silver Travertine

Persian silver travertine is often used for floor surfaces in residential and office projects, and travertine stones are also used as facade and wall cladding. The surface of travertine stones has small and irregular holes that can be filled or used naturally. Silver travertine stone has high resistance in terms of material and color. Also, its color variation varies from white to dark gray. Therfore, it has a certain homogeneity with natural environments, and this color variation makes its surface dirty. Silver travertine is produced in 3 cm thickness and is suitable for the traffic of any light vehicle. The following are the factors that impact the price:

✓ Uniformity of load
✓ The rarity of the mine
✓ Coop mining and cutting costs
✓ Cutting and processing method
✓ The purity of the stone
✓ Sort or classification of stone
✓ Mine location
✓ The type and nature of the stone
✓ Shipping costs

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Persian Silver Travertine Origins

Persian Silver Travertine is a sedimentary stone that is formed around hot springs and sometimes rivers and streams. In general, travertine is considered a non-marine carbonate and sedimentary rock that forms in dry intercontinental environments. The major mines of this travertine are located in the cities of Takab, Azarshahr, and Kashan. The presence of streaks or the layering of light and dark colors is one of the important features of travertine silver, which has given this stone a special beauty. Takab silver travertine in West Azarbaijan and Azarshahr mines in East Azarbaijan are usually of high quality and have a higher price; Kashan silver travertine stone is also in the next position.

Takab Travertine Mine

the creation of Persian silver travertine

How Persian Silver Travertine Is Created?

Water from mineral and travertine springs often passes through different layers of the earth after several stages and flows out from a place called Mazhar Spring. Travertine-making waters have three sources: surface, deep and mixed. Surface waters, known as geothermal waters, have an external origin and are formed from water sinking deep into the earth and sometimes to great depths.
The presence of many mountains, folds, and especially fractures and faults are important factors in the outflow of water from travertine mineral springs. Silver travertine occurs around hot springs. In these areas, atmospheric water enters the ground through fault fractures and rock mass cracks and reaches near the igneous masses that have already been injected into the area.
The heating of the water around the igneous masses causes its density to decrease and move upwards, i.e., the earth surface. Hot waters, which are also acidic, dissolve different rock parts in their path. Most of these rocks are carbonate. As a result, the dominant chemical composition in hydrothermal solutions will also be carbonate.

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If you want to choose the best Persian travertine type for any Surface, we suggest visiting our products.

Persian Silver Travertine Can be Magically Applied!

Persian silver travertine is extracted from Kashan, Azarshahr, and Takab mines and has a grayer color and greater purity than other travertine stones, and it is the most uniform and homogeneous type of travertine in the region. Iran's silver travertine has nice sanding properties and has significant hardness. Iranian silver travertine exports are generally in the dimensions of slabs and tiles.
Persian silver travertine is one of the best stones that gives a beautiful effect to your building due to its beautiful streaks and special color. It is also used as an external facing stone among complementary stones. Due to its special color, it can be used as a combined stone with light travertine stones. Also, the type of processing of these stones is guillotine and leather.

Persian Silver Travertine Applications

✓ Luxury bathrooms
✓ Cabinets and space inside the kitchen
✓ Master and luxury bathrooms
✓ Roof garden columns
✓ The edge of the elevator
✓ The space behind the TV (TV Wall)
✓ Hall floor and VIP reception

Persian Silver Travertine Applications

✓ Lobby and building entrance
✓ Internal walls
✓ Vanities and stone art volumes
✓ Bathroom and master
✓ Interior stairs of luxury buildings counter
✓ Staircase and wall Hotel lobby and entrance

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13 Reasons Why Persian Travertine!

Iran travertine is one of the most popular natural stones used for homes and commercial buildings because of its beauty and durability. Natural stone may improve both the profile and worth of your house.

Travertine vs Granite

Travertine vs Granite

Travertine and Granite are two natural stones, and choosing between them has become a dilemma for many. In this article, we try to ease this complication for those trapped in choosing between Travertine and Granite.


The prices can be different from time to time. However, do not worry at all! You can inquire the price by contacting our team.
It doesn't make any difference. Based on the amount you need or the location you are going to apply the stone, you may order from Raja Stone Group.
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